''JSL'' Adjustable Base Jack |
Base Jack Fabricated out of 32.00, 36.00 & 38.00 mm o MS Bar with 4
TPI Acme/ Square threads. 150X150X6 mm MS Flat Base Plate &
Malleable cast iron Cup Type. Double Handle light/ heavy duty nut. Sizes
available are 350,450,550,600 mm bar length.
''JSL'' Adjustable U Jack (Stirrup Head) |
U Jack (Stirrup Head) fabricated out of 32.00, 36.00 & 38.00 mm o MS
Bar with 4 TPI Acme/ Square threads. U Head having fabricated out of
100X6 mm MS Flat & Malleable cast iron Cup Type, Double Handle
light/Heavy duty nut. Sizes available are 350,450,550,600 mm bar length.
''JSL'' Hollow Base Jack |

Hollow Base Jack fabricated out of 38mm OD Pipe with 4m thikness.
150x150x6mm MS flat base plate & drop forged jack nut. Sizes
available are 450,600,660,760mm.
''JSL'' Hollow Universal Jack |

Hollow Universal Jack fabricated out of 38mm OD Pipe with 4m thikness.
Fully threaded with jack nut. Sizes available are 600,660,760mm.
''JSL'' Hollow "U" Jack |
"U" Jack fabricated out of 38mm OD Pipe with 4m thikness. U
head made out of 100x6mm MS flat & drop forged nut. Sizes available
are 600,660,760mm. |